Weight Management and Sculpsure

When our clients come for consultation for Sculpsure laser body contouring, if desired, we also provide the necessary support for a better overall health for our clients. The first step is to make sure that our clients are in good health. We provide the counseling on nutritional and exercise support. We refer our clients to registered nutritionist in hospital systems who will provide scientific and evidence based information. We offer advice on appropriate exercises so client can strengthen their bodies as well. For those who are willing to step up further, we refer our clients to a registered nutritionist who is also an exercise physiologist. This dedicated professional will provide intensive counseling sometimes on a one-to-one basis. The reason for this is that weight management is a process. Weight management is not the end of the process.

Once our clients have made some progress, we then have the discussion on the use of the Sculpsure laser body contouring.

Of course, we have clients who are ready for Sculpsure. We will do the consultation and prepare the ones who will benefit the most from this and start treatment right away.

Whichever client type you are, give our office a call and we will schedule you for a consultation and start you on the road to better self.