The Benefits of Strength Training

According an article in Internal Medicine, there are multiple benefits to strength training that is beyond just building muscles and improving strength. Regular strength training help prevent sarcopenia, the gradual and natural loss of muscle mass. The US Department of Health and Human Services recommends strength training for all ages, starting as young as 6 years of age. In addition to prevention of muscle loss, strength training also provides contributes to something known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, more commonly known as “afterburn” that continues with calorie burning until the body is back its resting state. Other benefits include boosting energy and mood, reducing anxiety, improving sleep, glucose control in diabetics, protecting bone health, and even lowering cancer.

For more details on the above points as well as how to start a simple strength training program, please read:

And as always, you can always schedule an appointment with one of two doctors for consultation to see whether this is right for you. You can find all the information about us on our website: